
Many schools like to have something to provide the families with at the end of the school year to showcase all of the child's beautiful work. Portfolios are a great way to do this, but it is important to work on them throughout the year so that you can see how the children's handwriting, coloring, and cutting has improved. Include pictures! Who wouldn't love to see pictures of their child from their school day with messy hair and faces?! You can even get super fancy and bind the portfolios. Some things that I like to include in my portfolios each year are:
Self Portraits are great do both at the beginning and end of the school year to see how there drawing has improved. Plus it is very sweet to see them through their own eyes.

Always fun to see who they include, some children will forget a parent but include every animal down to the ten fish or even the mail man.

Parents always enjoy handprint art, whether it is with a sweet poem like this or simply just the child's handprints throughout the year and the date.

End of the year poem.

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